Monday, March 13, 2017

Weekend Fun

On Friday we had a pretty low key day around the house. Both girls are not feeling great so we just played at home. I made my favorite arugula salad for dinner with grilled flank steak. YUM! I think I was asleep by 10pm....crazy party animal.
Saturday Molly and I went Aldi shopping. She loves going to Aldi with me because she knows I will always buy her things. Today she wanted a cantaloupe. I don't eat cantaloupe and have honestly never even bought one. She helped me pick one out and held it for the rest of the shopping trip, the whole car ride home, and for about 30 minutes once we got home. She has insisted on having a little with each meal.

Saturday night Dan and I went to a wedding for one of his co-workers. It was fun to get away from the kids for the night and miss the dinner/bath/  bedtime chaos! We were home by 10pm which was prefect since we were loosing an hour of sleep anyways! 

The temperatures have been all over the place and there was a small chance of some snow north of us on Sunday. We really just expected a cold rainy day. I woke up around 7am Sunday to rain and then it all of the sudden turned to the most beautiful show. The flakes were huge and I was so excited for Molly to wake up and see it. It stuck around for a few hours but was all melted by 3pm. I am glad Molly got to enjoy it for a little bit. The last real snow we had was 3 years ago and she was too little to remember. 

 Note to self: Get her some waterproof pants just in case! We had to go inside after this!

Sunday was also my birthday. Honestly, it was just like any other day of the week. We did have a small celebration at Dan's parents house with dinner of my choice, cake, and presents. We celebrated Molly's birthday as well. I was really surprised when I opened by last present and I think I let out a squeal of delight. You know you are getting older when a new vacuum really excites you. I had mentioned it to Dan but said it wasn't necessary and that it was pretty expensive. His birthday is next week so he told his parents it could be his birthday present too! SOOOOOOO excited to get that bad boy charged and running. Let's see how it handles a shedding dog and 2 toddlers who seem to leave a trail! I also got these amazing wine glasses. We spend a lot of time outside and my Reidel glasses are just asking to get broken. 
These are shatterproof and dishwasher safe and have a little spot for your thumb! 

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