Friday, February 17, 2017

Five on Friday!

Today I finally decided to start a blog. I have been thinking about it for a long time and finally sat down and did it. I hope to be able to use this blog as a creative outlet, something I feel like I have lost since having kids. I chose my blog name for my two little girls. My almost 4 year old, Molly, is called "Darling" by her daddy and my 1 year old, Lucy, is called "Ducky" by daddy. Lucy is named after my husbands grandmother and she was called grandma Duck by her grandkids.

The weather beautiful the past few days and we have been trying to spend our afternoons outside. It is so cute to watch the girls play in the backyard together. We did a big backyard project this winter and our grass is in rough shape from it but we are still enjoying the warm temps and trying to get some fresh air. It makes me so excited for summer. Just thinking about the girls splashing in water tables and running through the sprinkler makes me smile.

Molly has recently been requesting hair bows to go with every outfit. She has never been a bow girls so our options are very limited. The other day I ordered some highly recommended bows on amazon and I can't get over the quality and price. I paid $16 for 40 bows but now they are marked down to $11. 

We signed Molly up for soccer this spring, FINALLY! We wanted to sign her up last spring but with Lucy being so young it just seemed too difficult. I didn't really want to be on the soccer field during witching hour. I put it off and before we knew it we had missed the Fall soccer deadline so we finally got her signed up for the spring! She has skills assessments this weekend and starts practice in March. Daddy took her to get socks and shin guards and we spent some time in the back yard getting used to them this week. How does she look so grown up? She is superhero obsessed and wants to wear this shirt everyday!

I am working to get everything in order for Molly's fourth birthday party. We are planning a park party after school on her actual birthday (a Wednesday). It seems weird to have a weekday party but we have a wedding the weekend before and will be out of town the weekend after. I can't wait to share all the details!

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