Friday, April 21, 2017

Five on Friday!

This week has seemed so busy but we really have not done all that much. Dan had a weird work schedule this week and was off Tuesday, got home at 3pm on Wednesday, and went into work late both Thursday and Friday so our days have been a little different. We love spending more time with Daddy but it does throw our normal routine a little off track. I enjoy it because momma gets to sneak out for a little extra time without kids!

This week I completed a few tasks for my mother in law. She knows I am an expert shopper so she often sends me on missions to find certain things. The first mission was to find soft ladyfingers. No grocery stores around here carried them. I looked and called a few places with no luck. I remember my stepmom having these around growing up so I asked for her help. She knew exactly where to find them! Note to self- ask mom first! My mother in law was so happy she could make her trifle.
The next mission was to find some special things for my sister in laws wedding in a few weeks. I had spotted some things in the Target dollar spot earlier this week but only took pictures and didn't purchase anything. Sure enough they were all gone 2 days later. Luckily I know the Target shipment schedule and was practically unpacking the dollar spot boxes this morning to find them. Mission accomplished!

My mother in law is our #1 babysitter and takes the girls one day a week and for overnights when needed so when she asks me to jump I basically ask "How high?" Also, I just love going shopping!

Lucy has been super adorable this week trying to be like her big sister. She loves brushing her teeth in the morning and tries her hardest to reach the water. Even with the spout extender she can't quite reach so Molly helps her out. It is adorable to watch and makes me so happy to see them working together.
Molly set all of her snuggly animals to watch them brush their teeth. 

Molly had one of her cavities filled this week. My uncle is our dentist and I was a little worried not taking her to a children's dentist but she didn't need any of the distractions I brought her. He used a new product for numbing that is a nasal spray so she didn't get a shot. She sat perfectly still for the was amazing. We were in and out of the office in 20 minutes and headed out to lunch. She picked Rush's where she devoured a burger with extra pickles, slaw, and most of her fries. I ate Rush's at least once a week when I was pregnant with her so she was born with a love for their burgers!

While Dan was home this week he spent some time playing outside with Lucy. He thought it would be a great idea to teach her to climb the ladder to the big swing set. I hadn't let her play on that yet and she seemed happy on her little climber/ slide. Now I can't sit down for 2 seconds when the girls are playing outside in fear she'll fall off the ladder or jump off the rock wall. I used to love when the girls played out back because I could sit and enjoy an iced coffee or glass of wine while they played.... not anymore. 
She is just in a diaper because they were playing in the baby pool after popsicles!

And just a few more pictures from our week-
Seeing if a puddle jumper will fit her for this summer on the boat

Trying so hard to shoot the basketball

First time eating her own popsicle! 

Happy Friday!

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