Yesterday we were invited to join some of Molly's classmates for lunch and playtime at McDonald's after school. I've never taken them to McDonald's (Nana has) and I probably hadn't been there myself in 10 years. Both girls had a blast playing and I actually had a pretty good salad to eat. When I order Molly a happy meal I was asked if it was for a boy or a girl. I got the girl toy but almost traded it back in for a boy toy. I can't believe they still do this. Molly doesn't have much interest in Barbie's and would much rather have the Hot Wheels Toy. How about ask "Would you like a Barbie toy or Hot Wheels toy?"

Have you ever used the delayed setting on your washing machine? I have a bad habit of throwing in a load of laundry at 8pm and then forgetting about it until I am mostly asleep. I then drag myself out of bed to move it to the dryer to avoid stinky clothes the next morning. Recently I have been using the delay setting on my washer and having it run around 6am and then switching it over to the dryer while the girls eat breakfast. If you think you might forget about it just leave a note by your coffee pot!
The weather seems like it has finally decided to stay warm. Mornings are still somewhat cool so when picking out clothes for Molly for school I really need a cardigan to go over her spring dresses. For some reason she doesn't have any cardigans, just hoodies and warm jackets. She has always had a jean jacket in her closet but I somehow didn't get her one for this year. We looked at some this morning at Target but the girls section XS is way too big and the toddler section only went up to 4T. It fit her too perfectly and I would prefer to have it fit next fall so we will be looking for a 5T jacket this weekend! A quick trip to Once Upon a Child should do it!
I cannot watch Jurassic World one more time. I think I have watched it 3 times this week. Molly is obsessed. Lucy has even picked up on the dinosaur love and has been setting up the dinosaur figurines and making roaring noises. Molly's favorite part is the end where the Mosasaurus eats the Indominus Rex and then when the T-Rex roars from the helicopter pad. She will very quickly tell you that the T-Rex is the king of the dinosaurs.
Since the weather is nice we have been grilling a lot. I am the griller in the family... Dan doesn't really cook at all. Tonight I am grilling some steaks and making my favorite spring/ summer side dish- Israeli Cous Cous Salad. I always make mine with peppers, red onion, big pieces of feta cheese, and Good Seasonings Italian Dressing. I order my 5lb bag of Osem Pearl Cous Cous on amazon.
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